Research / Research Highlights

Research Highlights

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Research Highlights

Professor KIM Jin-Soo Developed RNA-guided Engineered Nucleases (RGENs)

Professor KIM Jin-Soo (Department of Chemistry)
Professor KIM Jin-Soo (Department of Chemistry)

Professor KIM Jin-Soo’s research team (Department of Chemistry) developed RNA-guided engineered nucleases (RGENs) which use enzymes to cut certain parts of DNA in order to create DNA with certain wanted characteristics. Professor Kim is one of the leading scholars in the field of engineered nucleases, currently focusing on cutting off DNA mutations using RGENs. Nature and Science listed RNA-guided engineered nucleases as one of the most important scientific advances of the year 2013. Professor Kim stated that in the life sciences, RGEN technology is being used practically everywhere in numerous medical fields including oncology.

Summary by LEE HeeUn, SNU English Editor,