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Bernoull-IMS 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics

Jul 19, 2021 - Jul 23, 2021

- Hosted by Seoul National University, Korea Statistical Society

- Organized by Bernoulli Society, Institute of Mathematical Statistics

- Time and Date: July 19-23, 2021

- Platform: Online,

- Conference website:

The 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics is an academic conference held every four years. The conference is a world-renowned conference organized by the European-based Bernoulli Society and the U.S.-based Institute of Mathematical Statistics. The academic theme of the World Congress in Probability and Statistics is probability and statistics. Specifically, it encompasses a wide range of topics, including key topics of the fourth industrial revolution, such as big data, machine learning, deep learning, and data science, including theoretical fields such as probability theory and statistical theory. The academic program includes

- 11 Named Lectures,
- 41 Invited Sessions,
- 69 Contributed Sessions,
- 5 Poster Sessions, and
- Young Researchers Meeting.